Belgarena is referenced as an authorised facility (WT0007) by the Walloon Region to undertake the grouping, sorting, pre-processing and elimination of non-hazardous waste.
The soil received is processed in four ways:
- Mechanical pre-processing (screening and crushing)
In order to separate exogenous waste and allow microorganisms to break down the pollutants. From this stage, most of the pre-processed soil is of sufficiently good quality to be recovered.
- Biological processing (bioremediation)
Based on the capacity of certain microorganisms to use the polluted organic fraction as a growth substrate (breathing and bulking) and thus break down these compounds into water and other carbon compounds. Initially, the endogenous microorganisms that have best adapted are fostered and helped to multiply.
- Physical processing (soil washing)
Depending on the type of pollutants, the soil may undergo wet physical processing consisting of screening under pressurised water, various washing operations and spinning. The facility used is mobile and is taken to the site for several weeks to process contaminated soil which is stored for the rest of the year
- Bioventing
The soil is swathed in a sealed membrane and a forced air flow then recovers the volatile pollutants which are caught on an activated carbon filter.
After this, the processed soil is recycled at our neighbouring reception site, the Saint-Jacques slag heap, together with SETSJ.
Belgarena offers you a total solution:
- Notification of Walterre movements with personalised advice on optimising batches;
- Upstream analyses if requested;
- Planning of road and river logistics;
- Via its own reception site (WT001019), the recovery of large volumes (type I, II, III, IV).